Who is Robinson Capital Group?

Robinson Capital Group (“RCG”) is a commercial real estate investment firm that acquires core, core plus, and value added commercial real estate assets on behalf of its principals and investment partners. RCG offers investments in funds and co-investment opportunities to high net worth individuals, family offices and institutions who seek to enefit from allocating capital to the commercial real estate market.

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Investment Process

Deal sourcing


● Access to off-market and marketed deal flow via existing relationships with sellers and intermediaries.

● Well-known reputation as a reliable partner with certainty of execution.


● Utilize our talented diverse team and advisors to our investors’ advantage.

● Take a data driven approach to informing our decisions in the CRE market.

Underwriting Fundamentals


● Disciplined top down and bottomup approach.

    ○ “Boots on the ground” expertise.
    ○ Assessment of operational, financial, and market risk.
    ○ In-person property inspections/interviews. Decision and Execution

Decision and Execution

● Established management processes, technologies and infrastructure (i.e. legal, finance, market research, property management, reporting, and disposition).

Active Portfolio Management


● In-house property and construction Management.

● Constant financial analysis with quarterly and annual financial statements.

● Ongoing analysis of opportunities and adversities at each property.

Asset Enhancement

● Complete capital improvements that most effectively reposition the property and drive leasing.

● Improve occupancy and find additional value within the rent roll.

● Manage cash flow from properties and hires key personnel.

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